Huge congratulations to today’s winners!
Matchplay Champion – LCpl David Blick PARA beat SSgt Gaz Gurung RE 3&2. SSgt Gurung was awarded the Championships’ most improved player for the second time.
Ladies Matchplay Champion – Pte Niki Sutton AGC (SPS) beat Sgt Kim Glynn-Galbraith AGC (SPS), also 3&2. Maj Gina Smith REME was awarded the Ladies Championships’ most improved player.
Due to Covid we held a limited prize giving, but the following winners should also be acknowledged:
Plate Champion – Maj Mark Nowosielski R SIGS
Ladies Plate Champion – Maj Helen McChlery AGC (SPS)
Seddon Trophy Winner – Capt David Thomas INT CORPS
Ladies Stableford Champion – LCpl Emma Dann CAMUS
All photos and videos can be found under Majors > Matchplay Champs.