The whole force is at greater risk from heat illness in light of the recent high temperatures. For Service Personnel in particular, exposure to a combination of high intensity physical exertion, the training environment, and in some cases the requirement to wear protective clothing, are additional factors which increase the level of risk. The responsibility to manage the risk associated with heat illness is the responsibility of the individual and Line Managers / the Chain of Command. As the ambient temperature increases, Army Policy directs you are required to be compliant before any sport activity commences. Individual’s guide to heat illness can be found here.
- Module 1 – All personnel participating in the Army Stableford Championship is to have completed Module 1. This will help all personnel understand the causes and effects of heat illness. The training must be completed at the earliest opportunity and prior to departure or participation. Module 1 is not additional training, it is already mandated annually– the only additional burden is that personnel may have to complete it earlier than planned.
- Module 2 – All Activity (Risk) Owners, Activity Deliverers and Activity Leads of UK sport activity or an OSV must complete Module 2 to allow them to safely plan activities, assess the risks of heat illness and take action to reduce and prepare for those risks. Module 2 must be completed by all leads in advance of managing or planning any activity where a risk of heat illness could reasonably be expected.