The AGA Open Strokeplay Championship took place at Little Aston Golf Club last week between Mon 16 – Wed 18 May. The Champs report and photos & videos have now been published. Links can be found here.
We would like to congratulate all our winners – Maj Jack Musgrove RA, who won both the Scratch and Handicap elements of the AGA Open Strokeplay Championship, Lt Col Bob Pace R Sigs who won the Seniors Trophy and Lt Col Stuart Campbell AMS who won the Stableford Trophy!
Sgt Prades Limbu REME had hole in one on the 13th!
And big shout out to our sponsors for their lasting support! Thales as our headline sponsor, BT who have been working with us to revolutionize our ways of working, and Communications Specialist Ltd who donate their radio systems for use at our events!