After two great days at the Army Golf Club in Aldershot we have our Inter Unit Champions for 2022!
Congratulations to CSgt Bikash Gurung, Sgt Suresh Ale Magar and Cpl Rishikesh Sen from Gurkha ARRC Sp Bn for winning the Main Championship!
Plate Winners are Maj Justin Revell, WO1 Chris Topping and WO1 Kirk Ross from Sp Branch HQ RC.
Reserve Winners are WO2 Bishnu Gurung, Sgt Tolok Gurung and Cpl Shane Addison from 11 Sig Regt.
Many thanks to all the staff at the golf club for their help and hospitality, the course was presented beautifully! Also many thanks to each and every player who turned up – these events could not happen without you! Lastly, we are grateful to Thales for their continued sponsorship.
Full results and all the photos and videos from Wed & Thu can be found here. The match report will be produced next week.